Diabolik Lovers Wiki
Diabolik Lovers Wiki

Diabolik Lovers Vol.6 Reiji Sakamaki is the sixth and last character CD of the Diabolik Lovers protagonists. It is performed by the seiyū of Reiji Sakamaki, Katsuyuki Konishi. It contains the character song A Certain Prophet's Fate [とある預言者の、運命 Toaru Yogensha no Unmei] and a mini drama record.[1]


  1. とある預言者の、運命 [5:57]
  2. とある預言者の、運命 -off vocal- [5:57]
  3. Mini Drama 「Beautiful Flowers」 [12:21]
    (録り下ろしミニドラマ「美しい花たち」 Tori Oroshi Mini Dorama 「Utsukushī Hana-tachi」)



鬱蒼とした黒い森「シュヴァルトヴァルト」 処女を溺愛 「うやま」う、ユニコーンの背に乗り 皓皓と光る月、風が戦 「そよ」 ぎ、 妖精たちの祈祷 「ざわめき」 に、心躍らせて疾駆する


あ、愚かな少女「もの」よ「零落「おちぶ」れて」 その硝子の仮面は「罅「ひび」割れて」 決して振り返らぬ約束を反故「ほご」した罪


猛り狂った一本角、天高々と突き上げられ 乱れ咲く薔薇「ディ・ローゼ」 顔に飛び散った 真紅の呪詛は 我が眷属の運命「シックザール」



失踪してく知識体系「ヴィッセンシャフト」 秩序「ゲソュール」を毀「こわ」した、恥知らぬ掌「て」により 罪々「Sinsin」と積る雪、贖「あがな」えなく 城壁すらも凌駕し、神に祈っても手遅れで


あゝ、夢を見た罰よ「なぜ、見るか」 この螺旋の迷路は「続いてく」 断じて 吸血「す」い尽くさぬ、規則「りせい」を保てなく


欲に狂った疾風「シュトゥルム」、野原を凪ぎ、仮り獲られ むさんした薔薇「ディ・ローゼ」 脳を横切った 真紅の残存理念「ゲデヒトニス」は 我が眷属の運命「シックザール」 堕ちた魂「ゼーレ」、もう二度と-----……


語り「耳コピ」 ふふふっ、もう理解していただけたでしょうか? 貴女は私に吸われ続ける運命「さだめ」なのです この予言は、絶対です…… だから、目覚めなさい 我が一族となって覚醒するのです 闇の中でしか見えない何かを、貴女と…感じたい

猛り狂った一本角、天高々と突き上げられ 乱れ咲く薔薇「ディ・ローゼ」 顔に飛び散った 真紅の呪詛は 我が眷属の運命「シックザール」 堕ちた魂「ゼーレ」、もう二度と-----…… 堕ちた魂「ゼーレ」、もう二度と-----……



Ussou to shita shuvarutovaruto Shoujo wo uyamau yunikoon no seni nori Koukou to hikaru tsuki, kaze ga soyogi Yoseitachi no zawamekini kokoro odorasete shikusuru

[Keiyaku shita akuma no tsuigeki ga, aru to mo shirazuni]

Ah, orokanaru monoyo [ochiburete] Sonogarasu no kamen wa [hibiwarete] Keshite furikaeranu yakusoku wo hogoshita tsumi

[Anata ni wa arehodo kitsuku itta to iu no ni]

Takeri kurutta ippontsuno tententakadaka to tsukiagerare Midarezaku diirouze kao ni tobichitta Shinku no juso wa wagakenzoku no shikuzaaru

Ochita zeere mounidoto

[Nigerarenai to suire]

Shisou shiteku vuissenshafuto Gefuru wo kowashita hajishiranu teini yori Sinsin to tsumoru yuki aganaenaku Jyoheki suramo ryougashi kami ni inottemo teokurede

[Eien no daishou sono kyomu wo uketomerarezu]

Ah, yume wo mita batsuyo [naze miruka] Kono rasen no meiro wa [tsuzuiteku] Danjite suizukusanu risei wo tamotenaku

[Kukuku... soretomo ima suguyukitai to?]

Yoku ni kurutta shuturumunori wo nagikaritorame Musanshita diirouze nou wo yokogitta Gedehitoni suwa wagakenzoku noshikuzaaru Ochita zeere mounidoto

[Hanarete wa ikemasen]

[Fufufu, mou rikai shite itadaketa desho ka? Anata wa watashi suware tsuzukeru sadamenanodesu Kono yogen wa zettai desu Dakara mezamenasai Waga ichizoku to natte kakusai suru no desu Yami no atode shikamienai Nanika wo anata no kanjitai]

Takeri kurutta ippontsuno tententakadaka to tsukiagerare Midarezaku diirouze kao ni tobichitta Shinku no juso wa wagakenzoku no shikuzaaru Ochita zeere mounidoto Ochita zeere mounidoto

[Wakarimashita ka?

Yoroshii, sorede wa towani, watashi no mono ni narinasai]


In the thick black forest, With the beloved girl, riding on a unicorn's back, The shining moon, the rustling wind To the prayer of the fairies, my heart dances with speed

[The contracted demon pursuing, without even knowing]

Ah, the foolish girl (falling to pieces) The glass mask of yours (cracking) Don't look back to the past, with the promise covered with sins

[Even though I told you severely]

With the crazy strength of one horn, pushed up the the high sky A rose blooming in disarray, scattering on my face The curse of this deep crimson is the fate of my family

A never fallen soul

[You can't ever escape]

The disappearance of the knowledge of wisdom Order broken by shameless hands Snow sinfully accumulating, unable to atone I will overcome these castle walls and even your prayers won't save you.

[An external price, I cannot accept the void]

Ah, a dream of punishment (why did you look?) The maze of spiral (never ending) The depletion of blood sucking, it's beyond the stated rules

[Hahaha.. Do you really want to die?]

Like a crazy storm of greed, in a field on calmness, temporarily caught by surprise A scattered rose, running through my mind These crimson principles are the fate of my family A never fallen soul

[I won't let you go]

[Fufufu, do you understand now? Your blood is destined to be sucked by me This prophecy is true So, wake up Awake and be a part of my family It is something that can't be seen in the darkness I want to feel it with you]

With the crazy strength of one horn, pushed up the the high sky A rose blooming in disarray, scattering on my face The curse of this deep crimson is the fate of my family A never fallen soul A never fallen soul

[Do you understand?

So be mine forever]



